Enchanted Skies


IC 405 - The Flaming Star Nebula (imaged from Hilltop Lakes, TX)

Flaming Star Nebula Map of region near IC 405


Object Information                                            Imaging Details

Surrounding the star, AE Aurigae, is an area of dust and gas which reflects and fluoresces the light from that star. The region is known as the flaming star negula - the name arising from the rippling shapes of the clouds of illuminated gas. The nebula lies about 1500 light years from Earth. AE Aurigae (aka HIP 24575) appears to be a 'runaway star'. It is moving rapidly relative to neighboring stars, and seems to have originated in the region near the Orion Nebula.

The nebula is also on the Caldwell list (C31), although it takes a telescope of at least moderate aperature to see much of the nebulosity.

This image was taken in late December, 2007 from my in-laws yard in Hilltop Lakes, TX (about 2 hrs ENE of Austin). Transparency and seeing were good.

Clicking the above image will bring up a higher resolution image.


Celestron NexStar GPS 11"

Canon 300D (type 1 modified)
Misc. Optics:
Giant Easy Guider (f/5)
13 x 4 minutes @ ISO 800
Through GEG (ToUCam / GuideDog)
Images converted to tifs with Photoshop CS3, then aligned and stacked in Nebulosity. Curves/levels adjustments ith Photoshop CS3. Noel Carboni's Astronomy Tools and Noise Ninja also used.

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Enchanted Skies - Astrophotography by Rich Richins (all images copyright, Rich Richins)