Enchanted Skies


M42 - The Orion Nebula (imaged from Las Cruces)

The Orion Nebula Map of M42 region


Object Information                                            Imaging Details

The Orion Nebula is one of the brightest, most beautiful and best known nebula in the night sky. The nebula is bright enough to be seen with the naked eye (it's the middle 'star' in Orion's scabbard). Binoculars or a small telescope show its nebulosity. Viewed from a dark site through a larger telescope, the nebulosity is nothing short of magnificent.

M42 is primarily an emission nebula, so it emits red light. It is also an active star forming region.

This object was imaged from my back yard in Las Cruces, NM (before somebody built a brightly illuminated yellow house down the street)

Clicking the above image will bring up a higher resolution image.


Celestron NexStar GPS 11"

Canon 300D (type 1 modified)
Misc. Optics:
Giant Easy Guider (f/5)
3 x 2s, 3 x 8s, 3 x 30s, 1 x 2min @ ISO 800
Scope mounted on ATP wedge. Off-axis guiding with GuideDog using ToUCam.
Images aligned and stacked in Nebulosity. Curves/levels adjustments ith Photoshop CS. Noise reduction with Noise Ninja.

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Enchanted Skies - Astrophotography by Rich Richins (all images copyright, Rich Richins)