- Celestron Carbon 11" OTA (was a NexStar GPS)
- Stellarview 115 Fluorite Triplet
- Celestron StarSense 10" Dob
- Orion ED80 doublet
- 6" f/8 Dobsonian
- Celestron C90 (tripod mount)
- Homemade 16" truss tube Dobsonian with premium (.99 Strehl) primary mirror.
- Losmandy G11 with Gemini-2 System w/ RA Extension
Eyepieces, Barlows
- Celestron 40, 32, 15, 7 & 4 mm plossls
- Meade 15mm plossl
- Televue 13mm Ethos
- Televue 22mm Panoptic
- Televue 9mm Radian
- Superwide 42mm
- Celestron 2x barlow (1.25")
- Televue Big Barlow (2")
- Televue Paracor (visual)
- Televue PowerMate (4X, 2")
- Stellarview EUW 28.0
- Celestron OIII filter (1.25")
- Astronomic UHC filter (2")
- OIII visual filter (2")
- Meade Hb filter (1.25")
- Meade IR/UV filter (1.25")
- IDAS LPS light pollution filter (1.25" & 2")
- Baader solar filter (film, off-axis)
- Baader 7nm Ha filter (2")
- Baader 8nm SII filter (2")
- Baader 8.5nm OIII filter (2")
- Celestron colored filter set (1.25")
- Orion Variable polarizing filter (1.25")
- Astronomik Ha EOS clip filter
- Astronomik SII EOS clip filter
- Astronomic OIII EOS clip filter
- Filter Holder (slider) for 16" dob
- Filter slider for Hyperstar system
- 1.25" Astrodon Ha, O3, S2, and LRGB filters
- N.I.N.A.
- PhD Guiding 2
- Adobe Photoshop CS5
- Topaz DeNoise AI
- RC Astro GradientXTerminator
- Noel Carboni's Astronomy Tools
- Canon EOS Utility 2
- Nebulosity 4
- Microsoft Remote Desktop
Miscellaneous Optics
- Hyperstar 3
- Celestron 1.25" diagonal
- Televue 2" diagonal
- Celestron f/6.3 focal reducer/corrector
- Lumicon Giant Easy Guider
- Williams Optics 0.8x reducer/flattener
- Celestron Visual Back (1.25 and 2")
Camera Lenses
- Canon 300mm f/4
- Canon 200mm f/2.8
- Canon 100mm f/2
- Canon 15mm f/2.8
- Canon 28-135mm zoom
- Canon 18-55mm zoom
- Pentax 135mm
- Pentax 40mm
Imaging Equipment
- Hap Griffin modified Canon T2i
- Atik 460 EX (mono).
- Atik filter wheel.
- Digital timer (for DSLR)
- Srarlight Express Lodestar X2
- Imaging Source DFK 31AF03
- SuperCircuits PC164C (for occultation timing)
- Bahtinov and Hartmann Masks (for C11)
- Innovations Foresight On-axis guider (ONAG SC)
- Intel NUC-7 Mini PC (NUC7i5DNKPC1) with two additional USB2 slots added
- Macbook Pro (for image processing)
Miscellaneous Stuff
- Howie Glatter Laser Collimator
- Intervalometer (for Canon DSLR)
- Green Laser Pointers
- GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2 (Mango) Wireless VPN WiFi Router (for remote control of N.I.N.A.)
- Losmandy counter weights
- Losmandy Dovetail & Rings
- LapDome 'tents' for laptop or Nuc's monitor
- Zwo Electronic Focusers
- Telrad (on the 16" dob)
- The 'ManVan' - a modified 2010 Ford Transit Connect van w/ 300 Amp-Hr lithium battery and inverter.
- iPhone 12 mini (runs StarSense software)
- Radio Shack SW Radio (for occultation timing)
- Gillions of transformers, cables and adaptors (to try to get this stuff to work with each other)
- A good Scotch (when my toys aren't playing nicely with each other)