Enchanted Skies


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M1 Blooper
Check the focus!

These interstellar Fruit Loops are the result of poor focusing using the Hyperstar.

M1 Blooper
Double-check the framing

I thought it was centered, and shot hours of M1 before noticing that the object of interest was nearly out of the frame.

Comet Blooper
The Importance of Darks

It was cold and I was in a hurry, and how much do those darned darks really matter anyway? Apparently they matter a lot if you don't want wavy little lines all over your image.

ISS Blooper
ISS During High Bank Turn?

Few people know it, but those hot-shot astronauts routinely put the International Space Station through hair-pin turns, loops, corkscrews, etcetera. This was the third in my list of failures trying to image the ISS.

M45 Blooper
Digital Rebel Exposure Test?

Most people expose for a few minutes with their DSLRs. This is what happens when you leave the shutter open for an hour. The guiding wasn't all that great either.



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Enchanted Skies - Astrophotography by Rich Richins (all images copyright, Rich Richins)