Enchanted Skies


M101 with 115mm Stellarview (Imaged near Fort Davis, TX)

M101 M101 location and framing


Object Information                                            Imaging Details

I've imaged M101 before, but wanted to try it thru the 115mm Stellarview. This was one of the few images that I was able to acquire at the 2015 Texas Star Party. The weather was poor with only a couple of nights providing decent imaging opportunities.

The region framed well in the 115 and also allowed the capture of NGC 5474, a dwarf spiral galaxy. It's visible toward the lower left of the image above.

I had hoped to add Ha to the image, but the weather didn't cooperate. So I extracted a pseudo-Ha channel using the red channel. That helped bring out the myriad of (NGC) emission nebulae that dot the galaxy.

Clicking the above image will bring up a higher resolution image with a wider field of view. The linked image is rotated 90° relative to the image above.


Stellarvue 115 fluorite triplet

Canon T2i (type 1 modified)
Misc. Optics:

Color: 24 x 300 seconds @ iso 1600.

With ED80 (side-by-side on G11 mount)
Images converted to tifs using Photoshop CS5. Nebulosity used to stack the images. Additional processing (curves, sharpening) with PS CS5.

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Enchanted Skies - Astrophotography by Rich Richins (all images copyright, Rich Richins)